Historically anyone could join DPS on an adhoc basis. However, due to the increased popularity of the club & the limited space we have to host our weekly events, DPS has been forced to limit new membership. If you are interested in joining DPS please download and complete the DPS Membership Application Form. Once completed please email it to dundalkps@gmail.com. All applicants will be recorded and as soon as space opens up through the natural attrition of members over time the applicants will be invited to join the club.
Anyone can apply to be a member of DPS. Individuals interested in becoming a member are not required to take part in the annual beginners classes. If you are a beginner then the classes will be very beneficial, however if you have experience as an amateur photographer you are more than welcome to apply for membership also.
DPS meet each Thursday evening between the months of September and May (excluding the Christmas period) and a full programme is available on the Members page. A map to our location above McGeough's Pub, opposite Saint Patrick's Cathedral, can be found by clicking the map button main home page. Evenings start at 8.00 pm sharp. |